Local Christian Science

BIBLE STUDY: All are invited to join our group, which generally meets once per month via Zoom.

Next meeting: Tuesday April 30 at 7 p.m. using this Zoom link (or see below for more about how to join remotely).

The focus will be on Psalms 57 to 72, completing “book two” as part of an ongoing look at the inspired word of the Bible in Psalms and how it meets our needs today.

To join remotely: For more information on how to join by phone or computer, see the “services” tab on this website. The connection used for Wednesday church meetings will also work for Bible study.  Study tools: In addition to online Bible research websites, you can buy or study various Bible translations or reference books at our Christian Science Reading Room in downtown Rockville. The translations are available in English and other languages.

Sentinel Watch podcasts:

Every week you can listen on the Internet to a program that offers insightful interviews and inspiring discussions on how God’s laws apply to current events and individual challenges today. Just click on https://sentinel.christianscience.com/sentinel-audio/sentinel-watch.

Actividades en español:

Podcast de El Heraldo de la Ciencia Cristiana (programa de media hora) todos los Jueves a las 2:00 de la tarde, en nuestra Sala de Lectura de la Ciencia Cristiana, 232 N. Washington Street, Rockville. Para conectarse por Zoom, hacer clic aquí.

“La oración científica sana.” Esta charla sobre la Ciencia Cristiana de Monica Passaglia fue transmitida originalmente por Radio América en Rockville, Maryland (Estados Unidos), el 25 de Marzo. Simplemente haga clic en el enlace aquí.  Puede escucharla hasta Marzo de 2024. Para obtener más información o el libro gratuito “Ciencia y Salud con la Llave de las Escrituras” por Mary Baker Eddy llame 202-425-1717 o escribe a ChristianScienceRockville@gmail.com.
Spanish radio program: El Heraldo de la Ciencia Cristiana can be heard on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. on “Radio America” 900 AM or at the same hour on the website www.radioamerica.net or by phone at 518-931-1030. For listening 24/7 on the internet, go to http://www.christiansciencedc.org/es, or call one of these numbers: 214.447.9679, 817.259.1647, or 773.250.6577. 

For more information
 about Christian Science in the Washington, DC area, please go to www.christiansciencedc.org